Economic policy, technology, sustainability, specialist personnel and design – those are our five strategic centres of interest. They are the organisational foundation of Swiss Textiles. Each of these five specialisations has its own expert body. The entire expertise and experience of the industry flow together here. Members can play an active part in the expert bodies at any time.

The activities of the technical commissions include formulating political standpoints, conceiving and initiating projects and events, managing the sector network and maintaining contacts with players in the industry who are of relevance in terms of achieving the objectives of Strategy 2025. These commissions may set up temporary workgroups in order to address specific issues in greater depth.

The operational work is done by our staff. Each expert body is chaired by a member of our Board of Directors. The work of each body panel is described in the regulation (only available in German).

Vorstand Swiss Textiles2773 1


All our members can take part in the expert bodies at any time (see sections below).


Alongside work and obligations, we also want to encourage networking. Look forward to an exchange of knowledge, further development of the industry and professional and collegial cooperation with our experts.

The time required will depend on the specific topic and on the measures taken by the particular expert body. As a rule it involves one half-day per quarter, with face to face or digital meetings.


On principle, participation in the expert bodies is open to anyone

  • who is working for a Swiss Textiles’ member company and has the specific knowledge/competence needed by the particular expert body;
  • who applies this knowledge/competence in the member company and is authorised by it to represent its interests and contribute to decision-making.


Members of the expert bodies are expected to contribute the consolidated opinion of the member company represented by them. Swiss Textiles counts on active participation. Members of the expert bodies confirm their cooperation by making a personal commitment. The Chair excludes inactive expert body members after issuing a prior warning.

On principle, activity in the expert bodies can continue indefinitely. Members of the expert bodies may join and leave whenever they wish.


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Definition of design

Design is the sum of trends, aesthetics, function and innovation. Swiss Textiles therefore understands design as a holistic process by which companies create and develop. Design has become an essential part of their innovation and competitiveness. How can I handle resources and ethical principles sustainably? Questions like that are also part of our understanding of a comprehensive development process. Design is guided by the spirit of the times; its role is to incentivize and inspire.

Chair: Andreas Tischhauser, Tisca Tischhauser AG,

à ma chère AG, Rosmarie M. Amacher
Art of Cashmere World AG, Jana Knezovic
Bally Labels AG, Martin Bally
Bischoff Group, Rachel Auprêtre de Lagenest Francioso
Bischoff Group, Lisa Fässler Hofstetter
Bischoff Group, Félice Voigt
CQ Corporate Fashion GmbH, Sophie Chiquet
Lela Scherrer Fashion and Concept Design, Lela Scherrer
OKUTEX AG, Matthias Heé
Schwob AG, Cornelia Magno-Fravezzi
Swiss Textiles, Mirjam Matti Gähwiler (Project coordinator) AG, Barbara Stolwijk

Chair: Andreas Christen, Lantal Textiles AG

à ma chère AG, Rosmarie M. Amacher
Huber & Co. AG, Andrin Holzer
Image Wear AG, Patrice Weber
Jakob AG, Urs Schneider
Meister & Cie AG, Marcel Meister
Ruckstuhl AG, Valentin Baumann
Schoeller Textil AG, Eveline Scheidegger
Sefar AG, Christoph Ellenberger
Seilerei Berger GmbH, Remo Marbet
Seilerei Herzog AG, Guido Herzog
Swiss Textiles, Michael Berger (project coordinator)
swisstulle AG, Elisabeth Nünemann
Textilcolor AG, Hans-Peter Waibel

Chair: Urs Schellenberg, E. Schellenberg Textildruck AG

à ma chère AG, Rosmarie M. Amacher
Art of Cashmere World AG, Adrian Knezovic
Bachmann Krawatten AG, Peter Bachmann
Christian Fischbacher Bed & Bath AG, Moritz Ahrens
Cotton-Tex AG, Jörg Büsel
CQ Corporate Fashion GmbH, Sophie Chiquet
Création Baumann AG, Peter Stöcklin
Cross Fashion Ltd., Samuel Dubno
FREITAG, Bigna Salzmann
HANRO AG, Martin Mühlethaler
Image Wear AG, Luzia Kälin
Jakob Härdi AG / Härdi Holding AG, Frank Kammermann
Mammut Sports Group AG, Adrian Huber
Meister & Cie AG, Rebekka Affolter
Metzler & Co. AG, Alessia Mastroberardino
Phantomleaf Textiles GmbH, Annette van Es
Remei AG, Marion Röttges
Säntis Textiles AG, Annabelle Hutter
Schlossberg Switzerland AG, Larissa Keller
Schoeller Textil AG, Michael Stössel
Schoeller Textil AG, Melanie Sloots
Strellson AG - Holy Fashion Group, May-Britt Lengnik
Strellson AG - Holy Fashion Group, Christiane Hügelmann
Swijin AG, Claudia Glass
SwissFlax GmbH, Dominik Füglistaller
Swiss Textiles, Nina Bachmann (project coordinator)
TESTEX AG, Matz Bachmann
TEXAID Textilverwertungs-AG, Anna Pehrsson
Union AG, Simone Leemann AG, Alessandra Mezzatesta AG, Barbara Stolwijk

Chair: vacancy

Art of Cashmere World AG, Adrian Knezovic
Bächi-Cord AG, Adrian Bächi
bäumlin & ernst ag, Bernd Schäfer
Cotton-Tex AG, Jörg Büsel
CQ Corporate Fashion GmbH, Sophie Chiquet
Création Baumann AG, Peter Stöcklin
Dagsmejan Ventures AG, Catarina Dahlin
E. Schellenberg Textildruck AG, Urs Schellenberg
ISA Sallmann AG, Christian Sallmann
Lantal Textiles AG, Andreas Christen
Maschinenfabrik Rieter AG, Thomas Walther
Meister & Cie AG, Sabrina Mändle
Monosuisse AG, Hanspeter Meier
Schoeller Textil AG, Rainer Roesch
Sefar AG, Christoph Ellenberger
Stotz & Co. AG, Wolfgang Müller
SwissFlax GmbH, Dominik Füglistaller
Swiss Textiles, Nina Bachmann (project coordinator)
TESTEX AG, Matz Bachmann
TEXAID Textilverwertungs-AG, Anna Pehrsson
tts inova ag, Simon Bernath AG, Barbara Stolwijk

Chair: Silvan Wildhaber, Filtex AG

Bachmann Krawatten AG, Peter Bachmann
Bächi-Cord AG, David Bächi
bäumlin & ernst ag, Ivo Curic
Corsa Nova AG/SA, Clemens Fischer
Cross Fashion Ltd., Samuel Dubno
E. Schellenberg Textildruck AG, Urs Steiner
FREITAG lab. ag, Jean-Gérôme Carrey
HANRO AG, Martin Mühlethaler
H & M Hennes & Mauritz B.V. & Co. KG, Theresa Georgi
HeiQ Materials AG, Carlo Centonze
Image Wear AG, Patrice Weber
Inter-Spitzen AG / Forster Rohner Gruppe, Caroline Forster
Innovopolis AG / iceep, Petros Timotheou
ISA Sallmann AG, Christian Sallmann
Lang & Co. AG, Jakob Lang
Meister & Cie AG, Marcel Meister
Monosuisse AG, Hanspeter Meier
Nile Clothing AG, Richard Maier
Seilerei Herzog AG, Guido Herzog
Snowlife AG, Daniela Wenk
Swisslastic AG St. Gallen, Danilo Pieri
Swiss Textiles, Peter Flückiger (procet coordinator)
TEXAID Textilverwertungs AG, Martin Böschen
Union AG, Adrian Beeli
weba Weberei Appenzell AG, Dr. Benjamin J. Fuchs
wederundgut ag, Ueli Fisch