We encounter textiles everywhere in our daily life, not only in clothing, but also in the form of carpets, seat covers, medical products, filters for smartphones, lightweight components in the automotive industry and insulating material in buildings, etc. All these items are made of fibres, yarns and textile fabrics.

Every finished product first has to pass through several manufacturing stages, and in many cases it may have to travel thousands of kilometres before it reaches its end customer. The production process encompasses numerous tasks and requires a variety of resources, plus the involvement of manufacturers, suppliers, technicians and logistics and commercial companies along a complex global value chain.

Wertschoepfungskette 01

1 Research, design and development

Before a textile or item of clothing reaches the finished product stage, a great deal of work, know-how and funding has to be invested in research, planning, development and design.

The design is drafted and developed into an initial prototype in Switzerland.

1 Research, design and development

Before a textile or item of clothing reaches the finished product stage, a great deal of work, know-how and funding has to be invested in research, planning, development and design.

The design is drafted and developed into an initial prototype in Switzerland.