Economic policy, technology, design, specialist personnel and sustainability – those are our five strategic centres of interest. Here we incentivize and facilitate contacts. Here we inform and advise our members. First and foremost, however, we set up national and international networks for you and break down barriers.


Questions about labour law, trade mark protection, customs duties and rules of origin, basic and advanced training or sustainability – we know the answers. We advise you on site, by telephone or email. Personally, understandably and in a way that is relevant to the industry. Members will find the right discussion partners here.

Are you interested in becoming a member of Swiss Textiles? Join now.

Our activities

Airwork Heliseilerei 2023 2

Close contacts: we pay regular visits to our members and report on their artisanal activities. As in this example at AirWork & Heliseilerei in Immensee, which supplies helicopter lifting lines and …

Close contacts: we pay regular visits to our members and report on their artisanal activities. As in this example at AirWork & Heliseilerei in Immensee, which supplies helicopter lifting lines and …

Airwork Heliseilerei 2023

… manufactures rescue equipment such as mountain rescue triangles.

… manufactures rescue equipment such as mountain rescue triangles.

Ruckstuhl 2023

A newly developed technology, product launch or award ...

A newly developed technology, product launch or award ...

Ausschnitt News

We throw light on the textile industry and convert your news into professional articles that we then publish. Our news agency writes and publishes news for our members.

We throw light on the textile industry and convert your news into professional articles that we then publish. Our news agency writes and publishes news for our members.

Helene Budliger Artieda Direktorin SECO

What are the talking points in our textile industry? Read regular, brand new media reports.

What are the talking points in our textile industry? Read regular, brand new media reports.


Freshen up your knowledge and learn new things: our members take part free of charge in trainings, including webinars and events on topics that are relevant to our industry.

Freshen up your knowledge and learn new things: our members take part free of charge in trainings, including webinars and events on topics that are relevant to our industry.


We arrange contacts for your innovation projects.

We arrange contacts for your innovation projects.

Summit 2023 3

“Together we achieve more than on our own”. That is one of our credos. You can make valuable contacts, as in this instance at our Summit 2023.

“Together we achieve more than on our own”. That is one of our credos. You can make valuable contacts, as in this instance at our Summit 2023.

Summit 2023 2

Network in Switzerland and also beyond our national borders and our industry’s frontiers.

Network in Switzerland and also beyond our national borders and our industry’s frontiers.

Kreislaufwirtschaft 300dpi

Sustainability: benefit from price concessions for useful tools, for example to calculate the CO2 footprint, for patent monitoring and so on.

Sustainability: benefit from price concessions for useful tools, for example to calculate the CO2 footprint, for patent monitoring and so on.