Café Europe — 12.09.2024

Langenthal - Thirty manufacturing companies in the Oberaargau region of Switzerland will open their doors as part of the first Treffpunkt Werk initiative. This is geared toward interested individuals, skilled workers, and young people in search of a profession. Two Swiss Textiles companies will also be taking part: Création Baumann and Ruckstuhl.
réation Baumann is also taking part in the first Open Factory Meeting Point initiative in Oberaargau; the picture shows one of the company's looms in Langenthal. Image credit: Création Baumann

The Treffpunkt Werk initiative will be taking place in the Oberaargau region on September 13 and 14. More than 30 sole traders and SMEs from the region that are active in manufacturing will present themselves during these open days. There are two aims: first, to raise national awareness of the quality, diversity, and attractiveness of products that have been developed, created, and are on offer there and second, to raise interest among future learners in the professions responsible for this work. This first Treffpunkt Werk is supported by the Swiss government’s New Regional Policy.

The participating companies include a diverse range of fields, from metalworking and ropemaking to laser technology and agricultural product processing. From the Swiss Textiles association, Ruckstuhl will be showcasing the manufacture of its carpet creations and Création Baumann will demonstrate its home textiles. Création Baumann will also present the skilled occupations of textile technologists (Swiss certificate of competence; EFZ), traders (basic and further training), and logisticians (EFZ/Swiss vocational certificate; EBA) in personal conversations.

Philippe Baumann, CEO of Création Baumann, commented in the press release: “As a company that manufactures here, we are reliant on qualified skilled workers and enthusiastic learners. It is a big benefit to us to be able to speak with the general public and raise awareness at the new Treffpunkt Werk event.”

The program is available to view online. Registration is required for some of the factory tours. ce/ww

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