Café Europe — 27.06.2024

Cham/Zurich - Indian lecturers and the COO of the Swiss textile and fashion college Schweizerische Textilfachschule have paid a visit to workfashion. There, the guests discussed sustainability in the textile industry with the workwear manufacturer based in the canton of Zug, Switzerland.
Indian lecturers at Schweizerische Textilfachschule discussed sustainability in the textile industry with workfashion. Image provided by workfashion

Workfashion has received a visit from Schweizerische Textilfachschule. Indian lecturers and the COO of the higher education institute for textiles and fashion, Christian Gärtner, were guests at the workwear manufacturer based in Zug. Workfashion explains in a corresponding press release: “It was an opportunity for us to show our passion for sustainable workwear.”

The guests and the company discussed the issues and differences in fashion and workwear in Switzerland and India. Workfashion writes that a joint vision emerged during a tour of production. Together, the company and textile institute hope to sustainably shape the future of the textile industry. The discussions placed an emphasis on the social and ecological standards in Europe regarding this.

Schweizerische Textilfachschule has an international network. It works with the National Institute of Fashion Technology in India. There are other partner organizations based in England, Romania, and China. The press release states: “Yet again, the visit from Schweizer Textilfachschule has shown us how vital international collaboration is for the further development of the textile industry. ce/hs

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