Café Europe — 24.03.2023

Kemptthal/Amsterdam - The Denim Deal will be using the DNA signature from Haelixa for recycled cotton products. With this marker, the association’s members are able to enhance their transparency credentials by making it clear that the denim they produce actually contains the stated percentage of processed textile waste.

The Denim Deal, an international group of 50 textiles manufacturers, will in future use technology developed by Haelixa from Kemptthal in the canton of Zurich. According to a press release, these companies will use Haelixa’s DNA signature to increase transparency surrounding the actual use of recycled cotton obtained from jeans in their denim products. With the Denim Deal brand, manufacturers are committed to using 5 percent recycled cotton in all denim collections in addition to producing 3 million pairs of denim jeans with a recycled cotton content of 20 percent.

The Amsterdam-based group is described as a “leading example of working towards a circular economy where textile waste no longer exists” in the press release issued by Haelixa, which was founded as a spin-off the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH). In the words of Roosmarie Ruigrok, who is responsible for coordinating the Denim Deal, using the DNA technology not only increases the efficiency and profitability of circular supply chains in the textiles industry, “but also builds trust among stakeholders and fosters sustainable practices”.

Over recent years, demand for this proprietary technology for recycled denim has been on the rise. According to Haelixa, this is because brands have been challenged to validate their recycling claims, with traceability from source to retail the key to achieving this. “We are committed to promoting the use of recycled fibers through traceability”, comments Holly Berger, Marketing Director of Haelixa, before concluding: “The goals of the Denim Deal support our vision for a circular economy”. mm

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