Café Europe — 28.04.2023

Cham - Workfashion has joined the Sustainable Textiles Switzerland 2030 initiative. In its Sustainability Report 2022, the manufacturer of industrial and occupational clothing outlines its sustainability goals and pathway to achieving these. To this end, workfashion will rely on partners such as Fair Wear.
In the Sustainability Report 2022, workfashion presents its sustainability goals and ways to achieve them. Image provided by AG

“With our commitment to the multi-stakeholder Sustainable Textiles Switzerland 2030 initiative, a new era has started at workfashion”, comments workfashion in a press release covering the company’s Sustainability Report 2022. The report offers interested parties an “insight into this new era”, as the Zug-based manufacturer of workwear writes. In specific terms, the company outlines its ecological and social sustainability goals in some detail, in addition to defining the pathway for how these goals are to be achieved.

In order to achieve its objectives, workfashion collaborates with partners such as Fair Wear. The Dutch organization campaigns for better working conditions across the textiles industry. All workfashion production sites have signed up to the Fair Wear Code of Labor Practice and replied to its survey. In addition, workfashion ensures that external parties regularly audit its production facilities and has established the Fair Wear complaints system.

In a first step towards hitting the ecological sustainability targets, workfashion’s direct and indirect (Scope 1 and 2) greenhouse gas emissions have been recorded. Accordingly, at present, a total of 56.7 tons of direct and 18.8 tons of indirect greenhouse gases are generated on an annual basis. In addition, over the past couple of years, workfashion has been involved in the Texcircle project, for which innovative business models for the circular economy were tested. In other sections of the Sustainability Report, workfashion presents its mission statement and ethical guidelines, among other aspects. Moreover, the report contains a risk assessment prepared by the company. ce/hs

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