Café Europe — 20.08.2024

Zurich - The testing institute Testex has become a member of the International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF). By joining the ITMF, the Zurich-based company is seeking to strengthen the association’s role in enforcing testing criteria across the textile value chain.
Christian Schindler, Director General at ITMF (left) welcomes Testex' Chief Marketing Officer Marc Sidler. Image provided by Testex AG

The Zurich-based testing and certification institute Testex has joined the International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF), further details of which can be found in a press release. With this cooperation, the company, a co-founder of the Oeko-Tex environmental label, is seeking to strengthen its influence in the area of compliance with internationally recognized testing and certification agreements across the entire value chain of the textile industry. In this context, the entire process from original fiber to finished product is taken into account.

“ITMF is delighted to welcome Testex as its latest member”, states Christian Schindler, Director General of ITMF, in the press release. “It is important for ITMF to have Testex actively participate in ITMF”, he adds, before going on to say that this step not only strengthens ITMF’s position as a “unique international platform for the global textile value chain”, but also “helps ITMF and its members to discuss topics related to testing and certification in close partnership with the leading testing and certifying organization”.

“By becoming a member of ITMF, TESTEX is joining an organization that brings together the entire textile value chain from fiber producers to manufacturers of garments and home textiles”, explains Marc Sidler, Group CMO of Testex. “Having access to the ITMF’s publications, statistics, and surveys as well as events like workshops, conferences, and webinars enables us to better understand the global dynamics of the textile value chain as well as to strengthen the network with associations and companies around the world”, he concludes. ce/ww

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