Café Europe — 20.06.2024

Schlieren/Vilarinho - The innovative materials specialist HeiQ is now working with the Polopiqué textile factory in Portugal. HeiQ’s textile technologies are being integrated into the Fresh Texagility and Cooling Texagility products.
Textile technologies from HeiQ are now being integrated into Polopiqué products. Generic image: mploscar/Pixabay

The Portuguese textile factory Polopiqué S.A. is integrating HeiQ’s textile technologies into its products. According to a LinkedIn press release from the technology company based in Schlieren in the canton of Zurich in Switzerland, Polopiqué with headquarters in Vilarinho in Portugal’s northern district of Porto will now be using HeiQ’s innovative textile technologies for its Fresh Texagility and Cooling Texagility products. Fresh Texagility uses HeiQ Fresh and keeps fabrics fresh for longer, decreasing the need for frequent washing and supporting sustainability. Cooling Texagility uses HeiQ Smart Temp and, according to the press release, provides dynamic cooling by responding to body temperature.

HeiQ offers a wide range of functional textile technologies for hygiene, comfort, protection, and resource efficiency. It has just recently presented itself and its technologies at the Porto Business School at the start of June. According to a press release, the event at the higher education institute in Matosinhos, which is near to the northern Portuguese port city of Porto, was organized together with the Tecmaia business park. The aim was to share the company’s vision of innovative materials with future leaders and potential partners.

HeiQ is a spin-off from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH) with headquarters at the IJZ Innovation and Startup Center and is a member of Start Smart Schlieren. ce/gba

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