Café Europe — 22.11.2024

Zurich - On November 29, FREITAG will be closing all of its tills, both online and offline. As such, no bags are to be sold in any FREITAG stores from Zurich to Amsterdam all the way to Tokyo on Black Friday. Instead, the environmentally conscious manufacturer is organizing an exchange campaign for pre-loved bags.
FREITAG is organizing an exchange campaign for pre-loved bags. Image credit: Philip Frowein/ FREITAG
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FREITAG has again opted not to take part in Black Friday. Instead, the environmentally conscious bag manufacturer from Zurich explains in a press release that it will be offering a “genuine alternative to all that frenzied shopping”. This will be an “exchange event” where pre-loved bags can find new homes.

The reason for this is that FREITAG wants to take a stand against this day with “its OTT discount hysteria” that helps only the few and does significant harm the many “be it socially, ecologically, or economically”. For this reason, no bags will be sold in any of FREITAG’s 30 stores worldwide from Zurich to Amsterdam to Tokyo on November 29.

Since 2019, FREITAG has been offering the digital exchange platform S.W.A.P. The acronym stands for Shopping Without Any Payment. On November 29, 2024, the company is bringing this digital offering into the real world: Participating stores will open their doors to swappers at 5 pm. “If you no longer love your FREITAG product as much as you did when you got it, bring it along and look for a like-minded punter with another suitable one-off”. If two people both like what the other has brought along, then they simply swap bags.

With this initiative, FEITAG is keen to show that “the future lies not only in durable, resource-saving products but also in circular forms of consumption: swapping instead of buying, passing on instead of throwing away”. ce/mm

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