Café Europe — 24.05.2024

Schlieren - The furniture store Beter Bed is launching the M line Allergen Spray which uses technology developed by HeiQ. The spray helps to remove allergens in the home. It is available in Beter Bed stores in the Netherlands and the Flemish region of Belgium.
HeiQ has entered into a distribution agreement with Beter Bed for the M line anti-allergen spray, which is based on HeiQ's probiotic technology. Image credit: Beter Bed via HeiQ

HeiQ, the technology firm based in Schlieren in the canton of Zurich, has concluded a sales agreement with the Dutch furniture store Beter Bed for the M line Allergen Spray, further details of which can be found in a press release. The spray is based on probiotic technology from HeiQ, which removes common allergens from furniture and other home accessories. This is available from now in Beter Bed stores in the Netherlands and the Flemish region of Belgium, the press release explains.

The new M line Allergen Spray eliminates allergens that are commonly found in homes and affect a large percentage of people, including house dust mites and allergens on pet hair found on beds, sofas, carpets, curtains and other household items, as HeiQ writes in the press release. In a study carried out by BMA Laboratories in Bochum, initial treatment with the spray led to a reduction in house dust mite allergens of 60 percent, pet allergens of over 75 percent and pollen allergens of almost 90 percent.

“Our brand, M line, has one mission: to help people sleep well. A good night’s sleep is essential for maximum performance and recovery of the body and mind”, comments Eric Louwers, Category Manager of M line, in the press release.

Since being founded in 2001, M line has been inextricably linked with elite sport. In fact, as Eric Louwers explains further, “many top athletes work with the brand because they see sleep as part of their training and preparation for performance”, before concluding: “Allergens are a key obstacle to a good night’s sleep”. ce/gba

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