Café Europe — 05.07.2024

Langenthal - Création Baumann is furnishing more than 600 apartments in Newfoundland Tower in London with energy-saving curtains. In the German town of Lichtenfels, the Bern-based textile interior design specialists are installing curtains with heat and glare protection properties at the Archive of the Future.
The 636 apartments in the Newfoundland Tower in London are protected from heat radiation by curtains from Création Baumann. Image provided by Création Baumann

Création Baumann has been awarded two contracts in England and Germany. The textile interior design specialists from Langenthal in the canton of Bern in Switzerland will be furnishing the 636 apartments in the Newfoundland Tower in London with a color-coordinated version of its LORD curtain fabric, according to a press release issued by Création Baumann. The curtains reflect light and result in energy savings of up to 14 percent. The fabric panels, which measure around 40 kilometers in total length, are manufactured in Switzerland.

In Germany, Création Baumann is furnishing the Archive of the Future in Lichtenfels near Bamberg. This is a pavilion surrounded by fully opening glass facades that are home to office spaces, in addition to areas for exhibitions and events. These kind of “open architectural concepts with lots of glass depend on targeted lighting control in order to create optimal working conditions and protect rooms from overheating”, as Création Baumann writes in another press release. In Lichtenfels, the textile manufacturer is using its GUARD curtain fabric. This aluminum-metallized fabric allows light to penetrate interior spaces with its grid-like aesthetic, but its wafer-thin aluminum layer also protects against direct sunlight and glare. ce/hs

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